domingo, 23 de marzo de 2008

Oral transciption

Now I’m going to talking about my research Project called solar energy.
At first I talk a little of my objectives:
The first is to sum up the exploit solar energy.
The second is Analyze the level of developing of the systems.
The third is to visit installations.
And finally to place the most important focus in Spain.
The first point in my research project is the sun and I talk a little about The sun description, the sun structure lie picture the sun have 7 layers: Corona, chromospheres, photospheres, Convective layer, Radiative layer and Core, formation of the solar energy and the Sun like god. Because the sun in ancient cultures was very important for the religions.

The next point is the solar cell, and the first s discovers. The discovers was Einstein, Lenard, Planck and Herd who discovered the photoelectric effect and the solar cell and the theory of semiconductors it can to transform the solar energy in electricity.
The next point is the thermal solar energy.
The first is solar collector and is one of the most important because when you go for the street you can see in a lot of houses. Is this picture and it can produce hot water for the house or swimming pool.
The second is solar cooker s this and is very useful for the NGO in Africa.
The third is Lineal focusing collector and produce hot water and after whit a turbine and alternator produce electricity.
The next is Disc Sterling and like the last produce hot water and with a turbine and alternator produce electricity.
The central receiver is one of the most important and like the lasts produce electricity.
In Spain the most important focus the solar energy is in Almeria with PSA. PSA have a lot of installations and I explain a little about the story because it can start to investigation in the 80’s. And the most important objective is to improves the solar energy systems.
In my research project I visit different installations the first is park Agreacològic is in Albons in Baix Emporda and was very interesting because in park Agreacològic have a solar cell and a thermo installations. The others to visits was a thermal installations. The first is in Ernest Pujol’s house in Castellò and the second is in Joan Cortada’ house also in Castellò. Both installations it produce hot water for the house and swimming pool.
And the conclusions.
The first is that The level of development is good because they have been researching since the 80s, the second is that the big problem of the solar installation is the price and finally that the most important zone in Spain is Almeria.

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